· What kind of water is best to use with Crystal Soil?
Distilled water is the best. The "more pure" the water, the larger the crystal will grow. Boil your water and add to crystals. The warm water will make your crystals form faster.


· How much water should I use with Crystal Soil?
For pearl crystals 1g crystals x 150-180ml water =
expanded pearl crystals.

For cube crystal soil 1g crystal soil x 40-60ml water = expanded cubic crystals


· How long do I let the crystals sit in the water?
Small Pearls: 8-10 hours  

Big Pearls and cubes:  12-15 hours

(using room temperature water)


· Why do plants live in Crystal Soil?
All plants need to grow is water, air and nutrients. Crystal Soil provides the water and basic air & nutrients to plant so your plant will thrive!  For vigorous growth add a little plant food liquid to the water when hydrating the crystals.


· What about mould and mildew?
Crystal Soil eliminates mould and mildew. Since the water remains in the crystals until plants need it! In this way,there is no chance for mould, mildew or even root rot to develop.


· What plants will work best with Crystal Soil?
The most commonly grown house plants used are: Spider plants, Dumb Cane, Algerian Ivy, Cordatum, Heart Leaf Philodendron, Marble Queen, Gold Dust Ivy, Gold Dust Pothos, Peace Lily, Caladiums, Dragon Plants, Bromeliads, White Butterfly, Gold Dust Dracaena, Devil Ivy, Red Veined Prayer, Chinese Evergreen, Sander's Dracaena, Arrow Head Vine, Nephythis, Peperonia, Ferns, Ti Plants and Palms.Plants such as cacti, succulents or orchids are not recommended.


· How can I clean my crystals when they get cloudy?
If your polymer crystals become discolored or cloudy, simply empty into a colander or strainer and thoroughly rinse with water then drain before re-using.


· Will Crystal Soil hurt my family or pets if they eat it?
No. It is 100% non-toxic and biodegradable.


· What is polymer?
Polyacrylamide was developed in the 60's to grow plants in the desert and has been refined to last longer and absorb water at higher rates. Scientifically it is a catalytically cracked natural gas and an acrylic solution.


· What is the difference between Crystal Soil and other types?
Crystal Soil is just what the name implies. You can use it in place of soil for your houseplants. Crystal Soil can also be used as a novelty/home decor product to be used with cut flowers, candles etc.


· Can I place candles into the crystal Soil?
Water crystals work great with candles and floral arrangements.


· Can I use with my live houseplants?
Suggested plants include arrowroot, bamboo, pothos, Chinese evergreen, dragon plant, dracaena, palms,spider plants, dieffenbachia, and philodendrons. DO NOT USE with cactus, succulents or orchids.


· How do I dispose of unwanted crystals?
To dispose of unwanted crystals Soil,simply pour the crystals into flowerbeds, gardens or mix into soil. The crystals are great additive for potting and garden soils. Crystal soil is a non-toxic polymer substance that will not harm plants, grass or soil.

CAUTION! Crystal Soil is extremely slippery when spilled. Never flush or pour Crystal Soil or gel down the drain, crystal swelling could possibly clog drainpipes.


· How long will the crystals last?
Length of life for decorative purposes is approximately 1-2 years.


· What should I do if the Crystal Soil shrink and reduce in vase after 2-3 months? 
Pour the crystals into water & let it swell again for 2-3 hours, then drain off the excess water before re-use.


· Is it safe for kids to use?
Crystal Soil is a polymer gel (cationic polyacrylamide) and is non-toxic, ecologically neutral; it breaks down after its useful working life to water, carbon dioxide (CO2) and nitrogen.
Although non-toxic it should never be consumed or taken internally in either its dry form or its expanded forms. Children should be supervised.


· What's Crystal Soil used for?
For indoor planting and decoration.

Perfect for candles, silks, cut flowers, centerpieces & more!


· Helpful Hints

* Selecting suitable plant is very important, not all plants can live in Crystal Soil!

* Plants which thrive in dark and humid conditions are not recommended for use with Crystal Soil.

* To improve survival rate, it is better to stand the plants in water for some days until new roots appears, before planting them into Crystal Soil.

* Before planting, trim the decayed roots and leafage of plant to encourage vigorous growth, pay attention not to damage the taproot.

* Drain off the excess water from the expanded Crystal Soil before putting it into vase. Be sure not leave any water in the vase.

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